To increase the skills of MAF-SoL staff in writing reports and making presentations, Seeds of Life (SoL) in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) ran a 4-day “Report Writing and Presentation Skills” course for 3 weeks in Dili from June 26th
The training, delivered by Ms Maria Socorro S. Arboleda and Ms Melannie Quinto of IRRI was conducted at the Salão Don Bosco, Comoro – Dili, Timor-Leste.
Participants of the course included MAF staff working under SOL program, namely Research, Formal Seed Production (FSP), Informal Seed Production (IFSP), Monitoring and Evaluation, Climate Change and Admin as well as some other staff from the three participating MAF directorates.
A few advisors took part in portions of the training as participants, others attended as observers.
Participants were divided into 3 groups, with the first group comprising IFSP and FSP officers.
A mix of staff comprised group 2, while the group 3 were mostly researchers.
Each group was trained for four days with methods including group discussions, presentations, role-plays and games to encourage participants to learn.

The third group of trainees took a group photo with the trainers at the end of their one-week training
The training materials were delivered in English with Tetun translation, but participants were strongly encouraged to speak English throughout the course.
Participants’ feedback at the end of the course suggested that it was useful training, but to be able to better understand the content of the program, they recommended that the course materials be translated into Tetun.
Participants were awarded certificates upon completion of the course.