E. Seed system support functions

E. Seed system support functions

   2) Food and nutrition research

E12. Barriers for fish consumptionBarriers to household fish consumption amongst inland fish producing households

Wahyu Nugroho and Avelina Costa

The overall objective of Mercy Corps’ Combatting Malnutrition and Poverty through Inland Aquaculture in Timor-Leste (COMPAC-TL) Programme is: To decrease malnutrition and poverty in Timor-Leste by promoting inland fish farming and integrated agri-aquaculture systems (IAAS). From November 2014 to February 2015 a Designing for Behaviour Change (DBC) process was carried to identify key determinants hindering household consumption of inland fish using Barrier Analysis (BA) method and to develop relevant behaviour change interventions to increase fish consumption among target beneficiary households. A desk assessment and two FGDs were done to identify the priority group and to determine the behaviour to be assessed and promoted. The identified priority group and promoted behaviour is: “Targeted caregivers/women in fish farming households, who prepare food for their households’ own consumption, are feeding to all household members over 6 months with fish from their ponds, at least 2 times per week.” The BA identified 5 key determinants as barriers for the promoted behaviour: 1) Perceived self-efficacy/Skills; 2) Perceived Social Norms; 3) Perceived Access; 4) Perceived Cues for Action/Reminders; 5) Perceived Susceptibility/perceived risk; 6) Perceived Action Efficacy.

E13. Community gardensCommunity gardens for Timor-Leste

Arquimedes Key Bernat Plewe

Timor-Leste, still considered a post conflict country, is one of the youngest but also poorest countries on our planet and its population consistently suffers from food insecurity. Timor-Leste’s agricultural sector is effected by environmental degradation, erosion, irregular rainfall and the low input of organic or inorganic fertilisers resulting in generally low outputs on farm level. Research has shown that membership in farmers associations or similar groups usually accelerates the adoption of agricultural and environmental practices. Community gardens are known in developed and de­veloping countries and can be established by a diverse range of community groups for example neighbourhood groups, schools, prisons, farmer associations or hospitals. They are a place of community activism and provide a space for social interactions, food production, cultural expression and environmental restoration. They have been proven to be beneficial not just for nutritional needs but also for mental wellbeing, social integra­tion and income generation.

E14. Animal disease controlAnimal disease control and food security in Timor-Leste

Acacio Cardoso Amaral

This research aims to know the vaccination coverage of ND in village chickens, CSF in pigs and SE in both buffaloes and Bali cattle and their implication to food security in the country. The findings of this research is that the vaccination coverage is low (<50%), which is not sufficient to provide herd immunity to our livestock. In order for the vaccination to provide herd immunity it has to have at least 75% coverage. The highest vaccination coverage was in buffalo (47.1%) and the lowest one is in village chicken (17.6%). This study has indicated that 53.3% of village chickens, 19.0% Bali cattle, 19.6% of buffalo, 29.8% of pigs died every year. Although it cannot be specified in this study, which diseases have caused the death of animals, but it is most likely to be due to existing endemic disease because the vaccination coverage is low. If the death of these animals can be prevented, the animals could have been sold and the money can be used to buy food and provide more food security to livestock farmers.

E15. Consumption self-grown cropsConsumption of self-grown crops in Timor-Leste

Octaviana Ferreira Agostinho, Lucia Viana Branco, Julie Imron and Luc Spyckerelle

Maize, cassava, sweet potato, rice and peanut are five food crops that are grown by many farmers in Timor-Leste, but very few farmers grow enough of these crops to meet their food demand for a whole year. As part of surveys conducted in 2013 and 2014, farmers who grew these crops were asked in which months of the previous 12 months they had been able to eat the crops they grew themselves. For farmers in Timor-Leste, the period between November and February are often ‘hungry months’. During those months, maize, peanut and sweet potato farmers usually have little of their harvests of these crops left, but farmers who also grow cassava can somewhat rely on that crop to fill the food gap. For rice farmers, January to April is the period when they run low on their self-grown rice.

E16. Treinamentu nutrisaunTreinamentu nutrisaun ba grupu habarak fini komunidade (GHFK)

Maria Fernandes

Timor Leste óras ne’e daudaun hasoru hela problema kona-ba malnutrisaun, maske maioria husi populasaun iha nasaun ida ne’e hela iha área rurais no moris hanesan agrikultór. Agrikultór sira produs ai-han oioin husi sira-nia to’os rasik maibé sira seidauk iha koñesementu kona-ba nutrisaun husi ai-han hirak ne’e ba sira nia isin no saúde. Ministériu da Agrikultura liu husi programa Fini ba Moris fahe ona informasaun kona-ba nutrisaun no halo prátika tein ai-han nutrisaun hamutuk ho grupu agrikultór (GHFK) iha Munisípiu Lautem, Aileu, no Oecusse hanesan projetu pilotu.

E17. Atensaun maximu ba mane nia saudeAtensaun máximu ba mane nia saúde Iha Timor-Leste

Ivonia S. Magno, Virginia Soares, Dede Santos, Aleixo Pereira

Seeds of Life (SoL) serbisu hamutuk ho parseiru Clínica Café Timor (CCT) realiza pro-grama saúde ba mane ba membru agrikultór sira ne’ebé hetan apoiu husi Seeds of Life Timor Leste.  Programa ida ne’e hadi’ak liu tan saúde husi membru mane sira ne’ebé involve iha grupu agrikultór nia laran liu husi fó edukasaun atu nune’e sira bele hala’o sira-nia atividade ho kondisaun saúde ne’ebé favoravél, nune’e mos iha sira-nia moris loroloron hamutuk ho so-siedade sira.

E18. Local food preservation practicesFood Preservation Practices in Timor-Leste

Ellie Hong

This informative poster introduces food preservation practices including salting, drying, and fermentation. It expands on those that are particularly relevant in the context of rural and remote Timorese families that may encounter difficulty when accessing markets in the rainy season due to incessant heavy rainfall and precarious river levels. Although these families may not have access to consistent electricity, let alone modern food preservation technology such a refrigeration, traditional food preservation practices can be used to augment and fortify a Timorese diet when access to markets is impossible and income is scarce. Dating back to our ancestors, food preservation practices can ensure the presence of protein, zinc, and vitamins such as A and C in a daily diet, with the additional benefit of probiotics from the natural fermentation process. Food preservation practices not only extend the lifespan of Timorese produce, but also promote both food security and food variety for Timorese livelihoods.

E19. Nutrition's relation to agricultureNutrition: how does it relate to agricultural production, livelihoods and preferences?

Katy Cornwell, Brett Inder, Christina Benevides and Emma Grey 

This poster presents a collection of learnings about how household agricultural production, livelihood activities and preferences for consumption relate to nutritional outcomes. The findings, based on economic analysis of household-level survey data including the 2013 Food and Nutrition Survey, highlight a number of issues and questions for policy and development initiatives.


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