(Tetum)Although all Seeds of Life (SoL) activities will cease at the end of June 2016, the legacy of the SoL program continues. The foundations of Timor-Leste National Seed System have been established and should continue to provide the country’s farming families with secure and timely access to quality seeds and cuttings of the 19 productive varieties already officially released.
Although we will not be publishing new articles, publications or maps, you can continue to access the wealth of information and resources the program has generated in the 15 years since inception in November 2000, including access to the plethora of research reports, special studies and a multitude of maps available on the SoL website for at least another few years.
It’s been a wonderful journey and we thank all MAF staff, development partners and stakeholders in the national seed system for enabling us to be partners in your efforts to build the strong young nation of Timor-Leste.
Obrigado wain!