NSSRV-2 (Tetum)The updated version of the Timor-Leste National Seed System booklet is now available for download from our website. This booklet outlines the objectives, components, activities and management of the national seed system that MAF-SoL and other stakeholders have established.  The booklet is available in English and Tetum and can be downloaded here: National Seed System for Released Varieties




NSSRV-1 (Tetum)The proceedings of the TimorAg2016 Conference held last April 2016 have been published by ACIAR. These proceedings describe the progress made over the past 16 years by Seeds of Life program and other partners and stakeholders in improving crop production, nutrition and access to food for farming households in Timor-Leste. These proceedings provide a valuable contribution to the discussion on further advancing the country’s agriculture sector to achieve food security.

Download your copy from: Food security in Timor-Leste through crop production-PR146