Agusto is chief of a 10-member group (5 women, 5 men) in Manumetalau hamlet, Manumeta village, Bazartete sub-district, Liquisa district that grows the three improved sweet potato varieties in a 60 x 25 m2 production plot. (more…)
Agusto is chief of a 10-member group (5 women, 5 men) in Manumetalau hamlet, Manumeta village, Bazartete sub-district, Liquisa district that grows the three improved sweet potato varieties in a 60 x 25 m2 production plot. (more…)
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Professor Willie Erskine, Director of the University of Western Australia, Centre for Plant Genetics and Breeding, talks about researching food security in Timor-Leste. Produced by iVEC@UWA. Download via Youtube.