Produtór Fini Komunidade no Komersiál hanesan grupu ne’ebé forma husi MAP-SOL atu bele produs fini ho kuali-dade di’ak hodi responde ba nesesidade agrikultór sira nian iha Timor Leste. Númeru atuál Produtór Fini Komunidade no Komersiál hamutuk iha 69 inklui rejiaun espesiál Oecusse. Produtór Fini Batar Sele no Noi Mutin iha 38, Produtór Fini Hare Nakroma iha 16 no Produtór Fini Forerai Utamua iha 14, ne’ebé númeru ida ne’e la inklui Produtór Fini Komersiál foun 11 ne’ebé foin mak estabelese no seidauk produs fini. Produtór Fini Komersiál 69 ne’e mak forma Asosiasaun Nasi-onál Produtór Fini Komersiál ho naran “ANAPROFIKO”. ANAPROFIKO hanesan sumbriña ida atu bele hamahon Produtór Fini Komersiál sira iha Timor Leste laran tomak.
Sentru produsaun fehuk midar kain
Atanasio Caiero Barreto
Fehuk Midar (Ipomoea batatas), hanesan mos ai-han prinsipál ba familia, tanba núdar seguransa ai-han no mos hanesan ai-han ne’ebé iha vitamina. Ai-horis/han ida ne’e moris di’ak iha rai ne’ebé la tau adubu ka tau adubu maibé naton deit. Iha Tinan 2014/2015 MAP-SoL distribui fehuk kain besik 800,000 ba agrikultór sira iha teritóriu laran tomak.
Women participation in commercial seed producer groups in Timor-Leste
Maria Fernandes, Buddhi Kunwar and Amaro Ximenes
Recognising the role of women in commercial seed production, their participation was examined in commercial seed producer groups established by Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Timor-Leste. From the assessment of 58 commercial seed producer groups, results revealed that women participation in membership was 36%, while in leadership positions such as Chief, Vice Chief, Secretary and Treasurer were 16%, 14%, 21% and 81%, respectively. Results suggest that although women participation in Treasurer position was highly satisfactory, more efforts are required in future from MAF extension workers to educate men to cooperate as well as encourage women to come forward to take more participation of women in membership as well as other key leadership positions – such as Chief, Vice Chief and Secretary – in the groups.
Capacity Assessment of Commercial Seed Producers: A Pilot Study
Buddhi Kunwar, Antony de Jesus and Ilidio Medonsa
Sustainability of Commercial Seed Producer Group (CSPs) depends upon how far they have developed basic capacities to sustain their on-going activities. Recognising this issue, CSPs were assessed against five basic capacities identified through focused group discussions with CSP members and Municipal Community and Commercial Coordinator. These include: institutional; technical, management, financial and networking capacities. Two CSPs namely Ruxio and Esperensa Moris Diak from Aileu were taken for this pilot study in December 2015. This capacity assessment exercise clearly informs the MAF extension staff to identify areas of strength that need to be maintained and strengthened for the CSPs. It also indicates the key areas of shortcomings in the selected capacities. The capacity assessment tool found to be useful in rationalising efforts of MAF staff to improve CSPs performance in the future.
Assessing the spread of maize seed growers groups
Luc Spyckerelle, Octaviana Ferreira Agostinho, Virginia Soares, Buddhi Kunwar and Samuel Bacon
Between 2011 and 2016, some 700 maize growing Community Seed Production Groups were formed in sucos all over Timor-Leste, and since 2013 close to a hundred of these groups have associated themselves into 35 Commercial Seed Producers, growing improved maize seed. Timor-Leste has 442 sucos, but the sucos are varied in many ways: 405 are rural sucos and 37 are urban sucos; some sucos are relatively easy to reach and have good infrastructure, other are poorer, more remote and lack amenities; some have more than a thousand maize growers, others less than ten. Given this wide diversity between sucos, how does the spread of the maize seed growers groups compare to the relative poverty of the sucos, and the number of maize growers in the sucos? Are there also enough maize seed groups in the poorer sucos, or in the sucos with many maize growers? To assess the spread of the maize seed growers groups, a combined suco poverty ranking / maize growers ranking is used.
Hear Anina's story: Anina is chief of the six-member contract grower group ‘Aselsam’ that produces certified seed of Utamua, the improved peanut variety released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF). Download via Vimeo.