Access information sheets from Google Drive now (no login required)
These information sheets are produced in Tetun only and are a great resource for general, climate and soil information for every suco. These sheets are produced for printing double sided colour A3 sheets. You can also extract images and information for projects, research and presentations.

Example of Atauro Vila suco information sheets
There is a wealth of information on these sheets including:
- Population and agricultural commodity statistics from the 2010 Census data
- General map of the suco
- Aerial photo of the suco with roads and boundaries
- An agro-ecological zone map combined with watershed boundaries
- Monthly rainfall and temperature based on Worldclim modelled data
- Information on the impact of El Nino and La Nina on monthly rainfall
- Hydrogeology information and map showing underlying rock formations and water resource potential
- Climate and climate change statistics and maps
- Soil maps and/or general soil information
- Slope map of the suco with agricultural recommendations.
For Oecussi and Dili-Atauro we have included some general information about pH, micronutrient deficiency and soil texture.
SoL also made available the 2010 census data as a Google Earth layer, which has more agriculture data than what you’d find in the SIS with an easy, click-mapping interface. So grab a copy of “Census Layers.kmz” and save it My Places of your Google Earth program for ready reference.
Seeds of Life also has other useful resources available for free on its website including maps, climate data, soil data, climate posters, agricultural posters.