
Maps of Timor Leste

Here you can find maps produced by Seeds of Life, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and others for planning and educational purposes. You are welcome to print them out, use and distribute.

The maps are stored in Google Drive, where they can be previewed in your browser and downloaded (by clicking the ‘download’ arrow button). If you’re having trouble seeing the full file name, click the ‘switch to list’ button in the top right hand corner. No sign-in is required to access the maps.

You can also access some of our shape and raster files.

Feature maps

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 9.05.59 AM Rainfall map with graphs Temperature pic 150px
National map of Timor-Leste (A0)General map of Timor-Leste showing roads,
sucos and towns
Rainfall map with graphs (A3):
Shows monthly rainfall and
temperature data across Timor-Leste, based on modelled and measured data
Google Earth maps:
Interactive Google Earth maps with soil, climate and 2010 census data
Mapa nasional ba rai ne'e sei hasai iha tempu badak hodi bele download no print
National soil map of Timor-Leste (A0): Soil information on soil texture, pH, slope, rainfall, geology, hydrogeology, and other information


View all maps

View all maps – this allows you to navigate all the map folders and files in Google Drive


View maps by location

  • National – administrative boundaries (A1), general (A0, A3), basic information (A3, A4), rainfall map with graphs (A3), risk of Fe & Zn deficiency (A3), soil pH (A3), soil texture (A3), agro-ecological zones (A3), hydrogeology (2A0), rice fields (A3), road map (A3), historical weather station locations (A3), current weather station locations (A3)
  • District – general (A3), aerial photo (A1), population (A3), land use (A1), slope (A1), sucos in district (A5, A6), roads (A5, A6), rice fields (A3)
  • Sub-district – aerial photo (A1), rainfall in 2000 (A7), rainfall in 2050 (A7), slope (A1), temperature in 2000 (A7), temperature in 2050 (A7)
  • Suco – aerial photo (A3), basic information (A3), contour 20m (A1)
  • Watershed – various (A1)

Google Earth (read more or access maps) – 2010 census data, climate data, weather station locations, soil point data, soil shape data and Aid Transparency Portal data


View maps by type 

General maps

UN national map A1Administrative boundaries
National (A1)
General mapGeneral maps
National (A0, A3)
District (A3)
Basic informationBasic information
National (A3, A4)
Suco (A3)
Aerial map Contour map UN district population
District (A1)
Sub-district (A1)
Suco (A3) 
 Contour 20m
Suco (A1)
District (A3)
UN suco by district UN suco by district w roads Road map
Sucos by district**
District (A5, A6)
Sucos by district, with roads
District (A5, A6)
Road map
National (A3)
sucolabels 150px graphpics 150px AMPfull 150px
Census shape boundaries
Google Earth
Census 3D graph visualisations
Google Earth
Aid Transparency Portal point data
Google Earth

**These maps were created by creators were Maximilian Dörrbecker and J. Patrick Fischer

(Licence CC-BY-SA 3.0)


Climate maps

Rainfall map with graphs Rain 2000 Rain 2050
Rainfall map with graphs
National (A3)
Rainfall in 2000
Sub-district (A7)
Rainfall in 2050
Sub-district (A7)
Temperature 2000 Temperature 2050 Weather stations map small
Temperature in 2000
Sub-district (A7)
Temperature in 2050
Sub-district (A7)
  Historical weather station locations
National (A3)
Temperature pic 150px Weatherstationpic 150px Current weather stations screenshot
Climate data
Google Earth
Weather station point data
Google Earth
 Current weather station locations
National (A3)


Land and soil maps

Aileu elevation Aileu slope Watershed map
Thematic – elevation
District (A3)
Thematic – slope
District (A3)

Various (A1)
Fe & Zn deficiency map Soil texture Soil pH map
Risk of Fe & Zn deficiency
National (A3)
Soil texture
National (A3)
Soil pH
National (A3)
AEZ map Hydrogeology Rice fields screen shot
Agro-ecological zones
National (A3)
National (2A0)
Rice fields
National (A3)
District (A3)
osolos-table-150px soiltextpics-150px
Soil point data
Google Earth
Soil shape data
Google Earth


For more maps of Timor-Leste, visit the Timor Agri maps page.

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