Seed Municipal Coordinator with Agriculture at the rice field

(Tetum)The Seeds of Life program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), ACIAR and Australian Aid has organized the TimorAg2016 conference that will be held from 13 to 15 April 2016. This conference will showcase the experience MAF and others have gained from working in collaboration with the range of development partners to improve national food security, seed security and seed sovereignty across the country. Over 200 international and local participants from development agencies, government and academia will participate in the conference. (more…)

Corns are ready to harvested

(Tetum)The rainfall pattern continues with sufficient rainfall in the mountains but insufficient or patchy rainfall along the coast. Many farmers have started harvesting throughout the mountains. Many rice fields are late in being planted or are at risk of not being established this year. A number of areas along the north and south coast continue to experience low rainfall.

El Nino Crop Situation Report 20160315


(Tetum)The Variety Approval, Release and Registration Committee of the National Seed Council met recently to review proposals for several varieties of different food crops deemed ready for release. After two days of deliberation and inspection of the different crops, the Committee agreed to recommend to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to name and release 7 new varieties of 4 different food crops.



(Tetum)Seeds of Life has just completed more than a decade of statistics training to MAF research staff. More than 30 research staff from all parts of Timor-Leste have been trained to analyse and present their own research data. For more than 10 years, Dr. Bernadetha Mitakda has travelled from Brawijaya University in Malang to teach the research staff. She gladly observed that ”All researchers have  improved their statistical knowledge. They have better understanding of their data and the different statistical tools as well as proper interpretation of results of the analysis.”
