(Tetum)Seeds of Life has just completed more than a decade of statistics training to MAF research staff. More than 30 research staff from all parts of Timor-Leste have been trained to analyse and present their own research data. For more than 10 years, Dr. Bernadetha Mitakda has travelled from Brawijaya University in Malang to teach the research staff. She gladly observed that ”All researchers have  improved their statistical knowledge. They have better understanding of their data and the different statistical tools as well as proper interpretation of results of the analysis.”


(Tetun) Soil phosphorus levels can now be tested in Timor-Leste for the first time ever thanks to recent training given to five Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) staff with assistance from the Crawford Fund.

During a visit by two Australian soil analysis experts in October, they conducted a 3-week training in which MAF staff also learned how to test soil pH and electro conductivity. All future soil testing for these characteristics will continue to be done locally in MAF’s laboratory at Comoro. (more…)

(Tetum) Seeds of Life has successfully piloted business plan training last month for three farmers’ associations that sell commercial seed, and now plans to nationally roll-out the training in 2014.

Training sessions were held for three established farmers’ associations to help build their skills in managing group activities, finances and the marketing of seed. (more…)

MAF-SoL currently providing training to Suco Extension Officers (SEOs) across the districts on sweet potato cuttings.

The main objective of the training is to share information on best practices to maintain and transport sweet potato cuttings, as well as on how to plant, maintain and harvest sweet potato tubers (the sweet potato itself). (more…)

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