(Tetum) “I am happy,” says Filomeno da Cruz (55), a cassava farmer living in Camlor, suco Luca, Viqueque district, “I’ve planted cassava for just six months, but I’ve felt the benefits already.”

Filomeno da Cruz became involved in seed production in July last year as a contract grower for the Ai-luka 2 and Ai-luka 4 cassava varieties released in 2009 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) and Seeds of Life (SoL). (more…)

(Tetum) Martinha da Costa Boavida is chief of  ‘Moris Foun’ community seed production group (CSPG) in aldeia Bahamori, suco Ostico, Baucau district.

Martinha has successfully led the group of 26 members – 18 male and 8 female – since 2006 in planting sweet potato varieties Hohrae 1, Hohrae 2, and Hohrae 3, released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and Seeds of Life. The group members own their own plots, and come together to collectively plant, water, weed and harvest. (more…)

150,000 sweet potato cuttings available now

On January 27, 2014, in English, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and Seeds of Life has 150,000 sweet potato cuttings of Hohrae 1, 2 and 3 released varieties available for distribution to farmers and institutions this January and February.

Any farmers or institutions interested in getting some sweet potato cuttings should contact the MAF Seed Department in Comoro, Dili, (Lucio Nuno – 7723 6690) or Seeds of Life (Simao Margono Belo – 7700 6185). (more…)

MAF-SoL currently providing training to Suco Extension Officers (SEOs) across the districts on sweet potato cuttings.

The main objective of the training is to share information on best practices to maintain and transport sweet potato cuttings, as well as on how to plant, maintain and harvest sweet potato tubers (the sweet potato itself). (more…)

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