(Tetum)Sra. Fransisca Magdalena Pinto from Maliana is one of more than 200 participants who attended the 2-day conference held at Novo Turismo. Her story enlivened the audience and kept them engaged and animated. (more…)
(Tetum) “I
Anina is chief of the six-member contract grower group ‘Aselsam’ that produces certified seed of Utamua, the improved peanut variety released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) and sells it to MAF for use by other seed producers.
Since Anina first began planting the improved variety in 2008 she has had many positive changes in her life. (more…)
Martinha has successfully led the group of 26 members – 18 male and 8 female – since 2006 in planting sweet potato varieties Hohrae 1, Hohrae 2, and Hohrae 3, released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and Seeds of Life. The group members own their own plots, and come together to collectively plant, water, weed and harvest. (more…)
The group receives assistance from the Suco Extension Officer (SEO) in their village, Bartolomeu da Silva.
“When I visited this group in 2011 they were planting vegetables. I asked them to form a CSPG and eventually they decided to form a group of all women members. The head of the group is also a woman” (more…)