Francisca together with the President of PNG Women in Agriculture Development, Crawford Fund and Australian journalists

(Tetum)Sra. Fransisca Magdalena Pinto from Maliana is one of more than 200 participants who attended the 2-day conference held at Novo Turismo. Her story enlivened the audience and kept them engaged and animated.  (more…)

Cooking Up a Healthy Future for Timor-Leste

On April 16, 2014, in Nutrition, Workshops, by Alexia Skok

(Tetum) An outside table overflowing with colourful, fresh, locally produced fruits, vegetables and legumes on a warm tropical morning; the smell of cooking fish with fresh herbs and spices; the sound of bubbling pots, blending juices; and the buzz of an excited group of women and men cooking and learning for the benefit of their families. That was the setting for MAF-SoL’s newly rolled-out nutrition training held in Remexio, Aileu, on Friday 11 April. A lesson where participants can touch, taste and smell what they are learning about is no ordinary classroom activity! (more…)

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Volunteering Opportunity: AYAD Gender Officer

On April 1, 2014, in AYAD, Jobs, by Alexia Skok

Would you like to use your skills and experience to volunteer in a developing country?

images (more…)

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(Tetum) “I am really happy to be involved in seed production with Seeds of Life, because since we started that my life has become better than before,” said Anina de Jesus, a peanut farmer living in Ritabou village, Maliana sub-district, Bobonaro district.

Anina is chief of the six-member contract grower group ‘Aselsam’ that produces certified seed  of Utamua, the improved peanut variety released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) and sells it to MAF for use by other seed producers.

Since Anina first began planting the improved variety in 2008 she has had many positive changes in her life. (more…)