(Tetum) Twelve farmers’ associations in Baucau, Lautem and Viqueque received their official MAF Seed Department registration certificates qualifying them as Commercial Seed Producers (CSPs) last week, bringing the total of registered producers nationwide to 31.

 That’s a 10 times expansion of the three initial CSPs licensed to produce seed last cropping. (more…)

(Tetum) Three farmer associations from Baucau and Liquisa districts are the first to be officially registered as Commercial Seed Producers under the National Seed System for Released Varieties (NSSRV).

The associations received their registration certificates from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) in mid-July. This permits them to produce and sell commercial seed in accordance with MAF’s Guidelines and, subject to spot checks by MAF Seed Department, sell it as “truthfully labeled” commercial seed to other farmers, NGOs, commercial seed traders and the Timor-Leste Government. (more…)

MAF and Seeds of Life recently released an outline of the proposed National Seed System for Released Varieties they have been developing since 2000, most recently in collaboration with the multi-sectoral National Seed Policy Working Group formed in July last year.
