(Tetum) It’s a wrongly held belief that farming families in Timor-Leste only plant rice and have one income source.

In actuality, most farming families have incredibly diverse farms and livelihoods, which is essential for managing risk in Timor’s tough agricultural environment. (more…)

A presidential visit on World Food Day

On October 18, 2013, in English, Events, Farmer case study, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) Healthy people depend on healthy food systems

That was the theme for this year’s World Food Day (16 October), which Seeds of Life participated in by sharing information and selling seed at an event at the Dili Convention Centre. (more…)

An a-MAIZE-ing show

On July 18, 2013, in English, by Kate Bevitt

Farmers enjoying the theatre performance in Lequidoe, Aileu

Farmers and communities around Aileu and Maubisse learned about improved techniques for maize production through theatre, dance and music earlier this month as part of a pilot trial of community theatre.

The pilot was run by Seeds of Life (SoL) in collaboration with Theatre of Timor-Leste, MAF and Charles Sturt University (CSU) and is the first time SoL has used theatre and music to share agricultural messages with farming families. (more…)