(Tetum) In rural Timorese communities, a large portion of people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. As agriculture is often seasonal, this can mean incomes can be as well. During the harvest, most farmers have a source of income sufficient to cover their needs, but during other times of the year there are often no savings to pool from.


Hooray for Hohrae: Guilerme’s story

On November 7, 2013, in English, Farmer case study, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) Guilerme da Costa is farmer living in Bahu village, Baucau, who plants the three improved sweet potato varieties: Hohrae 1, Hohrae 2, and Hohrae 3.

He first got involved with the Seeds of Life program in 2009 when he was invited to grow the improved sweet potato varieties as part of an on-farm demonstration trial. (more…)