(Tetum) The Hon. Melissa Parke MP encouraged Timorese farmers to continue planting high-yielding varieties at a visit to a women’s seed production group in Liquica earlier this month.

As part of her three-day trip to Timor-Leste, the Australian Minister for International Development visited the MAF-SoL supported group “Haburas Agriculture” in Ulmera suco to see their maize and peanut harvests.

She encouraged the farmers to continue planting MAF-SoL varieties to produce more and better food for the Timorese people. (more…)

See what happens at a MAF-SoL taste test

On August 20, 2013, in English, by Yessy Betty

(Tetum) It was a battle of the taste buds at Loes Research Station in late-July as farmers and MAF-SoL researchers gathered to do a sweet potato blind taste test.

Ten varieties were compared for their sweetness, texture, and dryness, before two winners were awarded – a purple variety and a bright orange variety.


SoL and ALGIS staff work together installing the weather station at the Pante Macasar airport in Oecusse.

New research showing that the climate in Timor-Leste (TL) has changed over the last 50 years will be presented at the Timor-Leste Studies Association Conference today.

Sr Florindo Morais Neto, a Climate Change Researcher at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, will present data that shows on average maximum temperatures in TL have increased by 1.7o C from Portuguese times till now. (more…)

Any one living in Dili will have noticed many changes in the city, but how about changes in rural areas?

Over the last six years the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAF) and Seeds of Life (SoL) have tracked the assets of farmers engaged with the program in on-farm demonstration trials (OFDT). (more…)