Seed Municipal Coordinator with Agriculture at the rice field

(Tetum)The Seeds of Life program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), ACIAR and Australian Aid has organized the TimorAg2016 conference that will be held from 13 to 15 April 2016. This conference will showcase the experience MAF and others have gained from working in collaboration with the range of development partners to improve national food security, seed security and seed sovereignty across the country. Over 200 international and local participants from development agencies, government and academia will participate in the conference. (more…)

Corns are ready to harvested

(Tetum)The rainfall pattern continues with sufficient rainfall in the mountains but insufficient or patchy rainfall along the coast. Many farmers have started harvesting throughout the mountains. Many rice fields are late in being planted or are at risk of not being established this year. A number of areas along the north and south coast continue to experience low rainfall.

El Nino Crop Situation Report 20160315

(Tetum) “I am really happy to be involved in seed production with Seeds of Life, because since we started that my life has become better than before,” said Anina de Jesus, a peanut farmer living in Ritabou village, Maliana sub-district, Bobonaro district.

Anina is chief of the six-member contract grower group ‘Aselsam’ that produces certified seed  of Utamua, the improved peanut variety released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) and sells it to MAF for use by other seed producers.

Since Anina first began planting the improved variety in 2008 she has had many positive changes in her life. (more…)

(Tetum) Twelve farmers’ associations in Baucau, Lautem and Viqueque received their official MAF Seed Department registration certificates qualifying them as Commercial Seed Producers (CSPs) last week, bringing the total of registered producers nationwide to 31.

 That’s a 10 times expansion of the three initial CSPs licensed to produce seed last cropping. (more…)