(Tetum) MAF-SoL Research staff held the first farmer taste-test of high-nutrient winged bean varieties at Loes Research Centre, Liquica district, last week.

Six varieties of winged bean from Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea and Nigeria, and two local varieties from Venilale and Lospalos districts were compared for their texture, taste and sweetness. (more…)

Five tasty crops coming

On September 24, 2013, in Crop identification & development, English, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) MAF-SoL has released 11 food crop varieties over the last five years, and is continuing to find new and different crops. These are five tasty crops that we’re currently researching. (more…)

(Tetum) Seeds of Life is now working in all 13 districts of Timor-Leste following the official launch of activities in the Dili sub-districts in early September.

District and sub-district administrators, extension officers, chefe de sucos and MAF-SoL staff attended the launch event on 6 September to learn more about MAF-SoL and the planned district activities. (more…)

(Tetum) The Seeds of Life Climate Change Team have just collated 2012/2013 wet season data from the 20 automatic weather stations around the country.

These weather stations include sensors for rain, temperature, humidity (5 stations), radiation and wind speed. Two of the stations automatically transfer data to an internet site which is publicly available so you can access live weather data.  (more…)