Each map works like an offline GIS map with layers of thematic information from the 2010 census that can easily be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’. (more…)
Each map works like an offline GIS map with layers of thematic information from the 2010 census that can easily be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’. (more…)
Such activities would enable families to produce enough food to meet their basic needs, to benefit from economies of scale and to reduce post-harvest losses by selling surplus production in a timely manner. (more…)
Since 2006, the Regional Advisors and Research Advisor have first produced the annual report in English before being translated to Tetun. However the 2013 report was written first in Tetun by local Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) researchers and then translated to English. (more…)
Well, wonder no longer! The research team at Seeds of Life has released nine interactive Google Earth maps featuring climate, soil and agricultural census data to answer these questions and more. (more…)