(Tetun) Ever wondered how many pigs are in each suco? Or how current rainfall compares to historic averages?  

Well, wonder no longer! The research team at Seeds of Life has released nine interactive Google Earth maps featuring climate, soil and agricultural census data to answer these questions and more. (more…)

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(Tetum) Seeds of Life has prepared information sheets for 240 sucos (villages) across seven districts for free use by others.

These agriculture-related sheets contain suco-specific information, graphs and maps depicting rainfall data, topography, climate predictions, soil pH and hydrogeology. (more…)

(Tetum) Seeds of Life have just made over 1,800 maps of Timor-Leste available on its website – that’s over 18GB of imagery!

The maps were created by Seeds of Life, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries’ mapping unit and the United Nations Population Fund, and are free for the public to use, print and distribute. (more…)

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