Gumboot donation makes for happy feet

On August 6, 2013, in English, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) It’s been a very rainy ‘dry season’, but many feet have stayed dry thanks to Hunter Boots’ donation of around 3,000 pairs of gumboots to farmers and extension staff.

Seeds of Life (SoL) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) distributed the Wellington boots in late 2012 to farmers in community seed producing groups, and MAF Extension Officers who work in the field with farmers. (more…)

SoL and ALGIS staff work together installing the weather station at the Pante Macasar airport in Oecusse.

New research showing that the climate in Timor-Leste (TL) has changed over the last 50 years will be presented at the Timor-Leste Studies Association Conference today.

Sr Florindo Morais Neto, a Climate Change Researcher at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, will present data that shows on average maximum temperatures in TL have increased by 1.7o C from Portuguese times till now. (more…)

Any one living in Dili will have noticed many changes in the city, but how about changes in rural areas?

Over the last six years the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAF) and Seeds of Life (SoL) have tracked the assets of farmers engaged with the program in on-farm demonstration trials (OFDT). (more…)

The maize harvest season for 2013 is now almost complete and has been good overall. Following the harvest ceremonies for Remexio and Lospalos, Natarbora started its maize harvest on Friday, 26th April.

A Community Seed Production Group (CSPG) in Suco Abat-oan, Natarbora, Manatuto, harvested their first cobs of the Sele variety of maize that were planted late last year.

“We were given 10 kg of seed of Sele maize seed by MAF-SoL and we planted it in our fields,” said the chief of the group, Urbano do Carmo dos Reis.

Urbano said this was the first time the group had planted Sele and they were happy with the results.

“Sele is good. The cobs and seeds are big and the results were impressive. We will continue to plant it.”

Suco Abat-oan CPSG members and communities harvested their first Sele

CSPGs are formed by farmers to produce seed for group members and their local community. Their objective is to ensure farmers have sufficient good quality seed to plant next season so they do not have to rely on seed from MAF or NGOs.

CPSGs are formed at the village (suco) level of a sub-district. They usually comprise around 10-15 members, with each member representing a household.

The CPSGs are then trained on seed production by SEO from MAF-SoL and provided with 5 kg of certified Sele seed to be planted in a 2,000 m2 plot that is isolated from other local corn crops by distance or time of planting to avoid cross-pollination.

Before the harvest season the group is also trained in proper drying, seed selection and storage and provided with equipment to support their work such as a tarpaulin, maize sheller and an airtight 200 liter seed storage drum.

During the 2011-2012 planting season, 320 CSPGs in nine district engaged in Sele maize seed production were supported by MAF-SOL and other NGOs produced 45,840 kg of Sele seed

The good quality Sele seed will be kept in the group’s seed storage drum until next planting season when it will be shared within the members of the group and their families, and any surplus stock will be sold, bartered or otherwise distributed to other members of the local community

During the 2011-2012 planting season, 320 CSPGs in nine district engaged in Sele maize seed production were supported by MAF-SOL and other NGOs produced 45,840 kg of Sele seed.

The MAF National Director of Agriculture & Community Development, Januario Marcal, said MAF would continue to support farmers to produce sufficient seed.

“MAF is committed to supporting CSPGs so that when planting season comes the farmers have their own good quality seed with them ready to plant,” he said.

The CSPG in Natarbora is one of 684 CSPGs established by MAF-SoL in 11 districts, i.e. excluding only Covalima and Dili which will be included from August this year.

MAF-SoL has also supported the farmers in Natarbora to improve production of other major food crops such us rice, peanut, cassava and sweet potato.

Last year the average seed produced per group was 159 kg. This was enough for all members in a group to have good seed to plant in the recent 2012-2013 season, to re-plant if necessary (e.g. after the opening rains in October were followed by a very dry November) and still have 30-40 kg to distribute for their relatives and neighbors to try.