(Tetum) Seeds of Life have just made over 1,800 maps of Timor-Leste available on its website – that’s over 18GB of imagery!

The maps were created by Seeds of Life, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries’ mapping unit and the United Nations Population Fund, and are free for the public to use, print and distribute. (more…)

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(Tetum) How much do you know about the Seeds of Life program? Here’s 10 facts you may not know. (more…)

Five tasty crops coming

On September 24, 2013, in Crop identification & development, English, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) MAF-SoL has released 11 food crop varieties over the last five years, and is continuing to find new and different crops. These are five tasty crops that we’re currently researching. (more…)

See what happens at a MAF-SoL taste test

On August 20, 2013, in English, by Yessy Betty

(Tetum) It was a battle of the taste buds at Loes Research Station in late-July as farmers and MAF-SoL researchers gathered to do a sweet potato blind taste test.

Ten varieties were compared for their sweetness, texture, and dryness, before two winners were awarded – a purple variety and a bright orange variety.
