MAF-SoL currently providing training to Suco Extension Officers (SEOs) across the districts on sweet potato cuttings.

The main objective of the training is to share information on best practices to maintain and transport sweet potato cuttings, as well as on how to plant, maintain and harvest sweet potato tubers (the sweet potato itself). (more…)

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Hooray for Hohrae: Guilerme’s story

On November 7, 2013, in English, Farmer case study, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) Guilerme da Costa is farmer living in Bahu village, Baucau, who plants the three improved sweet potato varieties: Hohrae 1, Hohrae 2, and Hohrae 3.

He first got involved with the Seeds of Life program in 2009 when he was invited to grow the improved sweet potato varieties as part of an on-farm demonstration trial. (more…)

(Tetum) “Taste tests are important because farmers like to plant, eat and sell crops that taste good and have a high production,” said Felisberto Amaral Soares, a MAF-SoL Researcher.

He was speaking at a two-day taste test event held at Betano Research Station last week to compare eight varieties of sweet potato and winged bean. (more…)

See what happens at a MAF-SoL taste test

On August 20, 2013, in English, by Yessy Betty

(Tetum) It was a battle of the taste buds at Loes Research Station in late-July as farmers and MAF-SoL researchers gathered to do a sweet potato blind taste test.

Ten varieties were compared for their sweetness, texture, and dryness, before two winners were awarded – a purple variety and a bright orange variety.
