Distributing more nutrition through Moringa

On December 19, 2013, in English, Nutrition, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) There could be 10,000 more Moringa trees growing in Timor-Leste, following Seeds of Life’s distribution of 1,000 packets of Moringa seeds to farmers in November and December.

Each packet contains 15 seeds, 10 black poly bags and an information sheet. (more…)

Drip Irrigation Installation Training in Tibar

On December 2, 2013, in English, Workshops, by Alexia Skok

(Tetum) November 25 saw MAF-SoL staff provide drip irrigation training to Moris Foun Community Seed Production Group, a women’s Community Seed Production Group (CSPG) in Tibar, Liquica District. The new drip irrigation system will assist the group to cultivate the three highly productive varieties of sweet potato (Hohrae 1, 2 and 3) officially released by MAF that are 65-130% higher yielding than local varieties. Hohrae 3 is also a notable source of Vitamin A.  Sweet potato cuttings have been planted this week to coincide with the beginning of the rainy season. (more…)

In mid-2013, Seeds of Life conducted a mid-term survey to assess what progress had been made in the first two and a half years of the current phase of the program.

This survey — which was conducted in 55 sucos across the 13 districts, with visits to 672 households — showed that on average 25% of the crop farmers in Timor-Leste grow one or more improved varieties of a foodcrop. (more…)

MAF-SoL currently providing training to Suco Extension Officers (SEOs) across the districts on sweet potato cuttings.

The main objective of the training is to share information on best practices to maintain and transport sweet potato cuttings, as well as on how to plant, maintain and harvest sweet potato tubers (the sweet potato itself). (more…)

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