(Tetum) They travel hundreds of kilometres on bumpy district roads each year, visit hundreds of farming families, and give expert advice on selecting seed and good agricultural practices.

They’re the suco (village) extension officers (SEOs) of Timor-Leste, and they’re helping thousands of farming families grow more food by enabling access to improved food crop varieties released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF). (more…)

(Tetum) Taste-testing field days are valuable opportunities for MAF-SoL to find out the tastes and preferences of Timor-Leste’s farming communities; varieties on trial are either released, undergoing on-farm demonstration trials (OFDTs) or are in preliminary research stages.


(Tetum) As an Australian Aid co-funded project, MAF-SoL ranks work health and safety (WHS) as a top priority.

The program proactively develops strategies to eliminate and manage risks to staff, program recipients and the greater Timorese community, and aims to work toward an Australian standard of risk reduction. (more…)

(Tetum) Seeds of Life has successfully identified the locations of 63 old weather stations as part of its ongoing work to track down historical climate data and make it readily available.

The discovery means MAF-SoL can now make comparisons between the historical and current climate across the country to further inform other research and planning work.  (more…)

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