(Tetun) More than one-third of Timorese farmers are now growing the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries’ improved seed varieties known for their high yields, good taste and nutrition benefits.

Hear directly from three farmers about their experiences growing the improved peanut and cassava varieties and the difference it is making to their lives. (more…)

(Tetun) A new approach to communication for development will help low-literate farmers adopt improved agronomic practices in Timor-Leste.

Farmers who adopt new maize varieties developed by the Seeds of Life (SoL) program and Ministry of Agriculture (MAF) can expect significant yield increases if they use traditional cultivation methods. If they also apply appropriate agronomic practices (such as planting in lines, weeding, drying and storing seed in airtight containers etc.), even higher yield increases are achievable. But how do you teach these practices to farmers? (more…)

(Tetun) Seeds of Life’s efforts to improve food security in Timor-Leste have been praised in a recent aid evaluation report by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

The SoL program was given a green rating – the highest possible – for its good progress in seed distribution and policy development, a result of strong collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF). (more…)

(Tetun) Soil phosphorus levels can now be tested in Timor-Leste for the first time ever thanks to recent training given to five Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) staff with assistance from the Crawford Fund.

During a visit by two Australian soil analysis experts in October, they conducted a 3-week training in which MAF staff also learned how to test soil pH and electro conductivity. All future soil testing for these characteristics will continue to be done locally in MAF’s laboratory at Comoro. (more…)