(Tetum) Seeds of Life has successfully piloted business plan training last month for three farmers’ associations that sell commercial seed, and now plans to nationally roll-out the training in 2014.

Training sessions were held for three established farmers’ associations to help build their skills in managing group activities, finances and the marketing of seed. (more…)

Job vacancies: 2 drivers needed

On February 5, 2014, in English, Jobs, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) Seeds of Life seek candidates for the position of DRIVERS who will be responsible for safely driving Seeds of Life advisors and staff within Dili and to other districts of East Timor. (more…)

(Tetum) Seeds of Life have just made over 1,800 maps of Timor-Leste available on its website – that’s over 18GB of imagery!

The maps were created by Seeds of Life, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries’ mapping unit and the United Nations Population Fund, and are free for the public to use, print and distribute. (more…)

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(Tetum) Olandina da Costa is the chief of Community Seed Production Group (CSPG) Bilbeu in Guico village, Maubara sub-district, Liquiça. The group was established in 2011 and has the unique feature that all 10 members are women.

The group receives assistance from the Suco Extension Officer (SEO) in their village, Bartolomeu da Silva.

“When I visited this group in 2011 they were planting vegetables. I asked them to form a CSPG and eventually they decided to form a group of all women members. The head of the group is also a woman” (more…)