(Tetum) MAF-SoL has been researching the positive impacts of growing Lehe, velvet bean in English, in cornfields to improve soil fertility.  Lehe is a legume that fixes nitrogen in the soil, increases organic matter and creates a mulch cover that smothers weeds. (more…)

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Distributing more nutrition through Moringa

On December 19, 2013, in English, Nutrition, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) There could be 10,000 more Moringa trees growing in Timor-Leste, following Seeds of Life’s distribution of 1,000 packets of Moringa seeds to farmers in November and December.

Each packet contains 15 seeds, 10 black poly bags and an information sheet. (more…)

(Tetum) Three community seed production groups (CSPGs) in Liquica have for the first time produced enough surplus seed of the improved maize variety Noi Mutin to share with vulnerable families in their district.

In only their second harvest season since forming in 2012, the three groups – Moris Foun, St. Antonio, and Balibau – shared more than 150 aqua bottles (1.3kg each) of Noi Mutin to over 80 households in Guico suco, Loes sub-district. (more…)

A presidential visit on World Food Day

On October 18, 2013, in English, Events, Farmer case study, by Kate Bevitt

(Tetum) Healthy people depend on healthy food systems

That was the theme for this year’s World Food Day (16 October), which Seeds of Life participated in by sharing information and selling seed at an event at the Dili Convention Centre. (more…)